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Pregnancy Care

Restoring healthful motion to the body

Pregnancy Care

Chiropractic Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy Care & Chiropractic

The body goes through many physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. Posture, balance, and comfort are usually the top 3 challenges as your baby grows and your center of gravity shifts.

With hectic schedules and a growing belly, joints can become stiff and the spine can misalign easily. Your back may become soar and changes to your body and pelvis begin to prepare you for your labor. At River Oaks Chiropractic & Body Works, we want to be there for you through all stages of life, including your pregnancy. Our staff is trained to help with pregnancy massage, adjustments, and natural pain relief while preparing you to have a smooth labor with as little discomfort as possible. We have years of experience in helping women stay aligned and as comfortable as possible through their pregnancy as well as care for the mother and child after delivery. In many cases, we hear from our patients that they had smooth pregnancies with shortened labor times while receiving chiropractic care while pregnant.

Chiropractic pregnancy care can also provide some other benefits.

  • Relieve pain in the neck, hips, joints, and back
  • Reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Help control symptoms of nausea
  • Find relief with pregnancy massages