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Posture & Balance

Restoring healthful motion to the body

Posture & Balance

Posture and Balance

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Posture & Balance

As children, we were told to ” Stand up Straight”, ” Don’t Slouch”, ” Sit Up”- and for good reason. Posture and balance are at the core of how the alignment of our body parts are supported against almighty gravity. If we didn’t have muscle control and the ability to “straighten up” our bodies would just fall to the ground. We are humanly conscious that we need to maintain good posture to do certain things, like ride a bike or simply walk or lie down in a particular position.  By maintaining proper muscle alignment and balance, we keep or joints and bones in better health. We prevent abnormal wear and tear and prevent the onset of degenerative arthritis, joint pain, and injury.

As we age or suffer from work stress and injuries, we are not as nimble as we once were as young adults and we need to retrain our muscles and joints to have the flexibility and strength that allowed us to maintain proper posture. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to take care of our postural muscles and retrain them to keep us upright, stress, weight gain, pregnancy, flat or high-heeled shoes, poor sitting or standing habits, and a sedentary lifestyle, can contribute to long term muscular issues with our balance and posture.

At River Oaks Chiropractic & Body Works, we want to help you live your best life, fulfilled with strength, wellness and longevity, upright!

We have a variety of treatments and tools to help restore posture and balance. Make an appointment today to see how we can help restore your muscle memory.


Posture and Balance